JavaScript is the most widely used programming language in the world with 65.36% of developers using Javascript.
It has been the most popular coding language for 8 consecutive years now thanks to its versatility. The extensive list of libraries and frameworks enable it to be used for just about anything.
JavaScript as Frontend
Initially used with web browsers it then started getting used by developers for back-end web servers and mobile apps and other software applications.
People are most familiar with JavaScript being used for front-end web page Development together with HTML & CSS. JavaScript enables the creation of dynamic and interactive websites, improving the user experience.
JavaScript as Backend
With the Node.js framework, JavaScript has extended to be used for backend development too, managing calls from the front-end to the server for data and returning it.
With the creation of React Native and Ionic frameworks, JavaScript has also become a popular language for the creation of mobile applications.
These frameworks enable developers to write one piece of code that can then be compiled to work on both Android and iOS devices, instead of needing to write and maintain two pieces of code.
These frameworks also enable the code to be compiled into HTML 4, used for web-based applications that will work on any device.
JavaScript is also used for artificial intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR), and game development.
What is IT Staff Augmentation?
IT staff augmentation services entail the allocation of dedicated developers who are integrated into your hired in-house teams on fixed or flexible terms and conditions.
This is a service where the provider will augment the client's workforce with skilled persons that are directly managed and controlled by the client.
Benefits of Staff Augmentation
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